
The Bluecoat Display Centre, at the Bluecoat would like to invite you on a guided tour of our current exhibition, Transplantation which features 12 contemporary British and Australian based contemporary jewellers. The tour will be led by Jo Bloxham, an independent curator based in the North West and the editor of the Transplantation exhibition catalogue.

 Bluecoat邀请您观看他们最新的陈列的展览 – ‘移栽’ ,以12位当代英国和澳大利亚基于现代珠宝商为特色。导游Jo ・ Bloxham将免费为你介绍展览品 -‘移栽’的展览目录。李宁宁将会用中文翻译。

Date      Wednesday 13th June, 2012
Time      Tour begins at 2.30pm.*
Venue     Bluecoat Display Centre Craft Gallery at the Bluecoat, Liverpool L1 3BZ

*the Tour will last 30-40 minutes and will be followed by refreshments and the opportunity to talk informally to Jo Bloxham, the event will conclude around 4pm. Ningning Li will be available to offer some Chinese translation.

About Transplantation : A Sense of Place and Culture

This touring exhibition of contemporary narrative jewellery created by a group of artists based in either Britain or Australia will explore the sense of place and cultural identity through the theme of Transplantation. Each artist will examine their individual cultural identity as a consequence of their own personal and family experiences.

UK based artists

Jivan Astfalck-London, Norman Cherry Lincoln, Lin Cheung London, Jack Cunningham Birmingham, Jo Pond Derby, Laura Potter London

Australian based artists

Roseanne Bartley Melbourne, Nicholas Bastin Melbourne, Anna Davern Melbourne, Joung-Mee Do Sydney, Sheridan Kennedy Sydney, Bridie Lander Sydney/Birmingham 

Even jewellers whose work is not overtly illustrative often have a story to tell. In some cases participants’ existing reputations are already built on narrative and metaphor. Others are committed to this project because of personal interests and experiences, as migrants temporary or permanent; as descendants of migrants; or through witnessing schoolfriends leaving for new shores and knowing the sense of loss of those left behind.

Numbers are limited so to reserve a FREE place on the tour please email

Ningning at ninsa@hotmail.co.uk or the Bluecoat Display Centre at crafts@bluecoatdisplaycentre.com or call us on 0151 709 4014

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