
Pagoda taichi practise continue on Wednesday 6 – 7:30. The sessions will be running by Mrs. Li with her other taichi tutor trainees assisting her. (Click the link to find out more about Mrs. Li).
These practise session has been very well received by the people who attended the session in the last few weeks. Mrs. Li is using this opportunity to help everyone on their positions, understanding about the moves, how and why. So they are more like Master Classes. She feels when the new term start, she will be concentrate on lesson and the group and won’t have the opportunity to give individual attentions as much.
If you want to know more about taichi and want some free taster, come and join us.
The sessions are free until the new term start in September.
The Pagoda, Henry Street, Liverpool, L1 5BU.
find us on google map

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